Monday, March 10, 2008

Decorate your cottage with vintage finds!

Any home can magically transform into a cottage with the additional of whimsical, vintage finds. An old black urn can hold seasonal treasures such as eggs for Easter and tiny pumpkins for Halloween. A small glass dome covering a vintage salt & pepper shaker filled with Spring flowers can be changed to sunflowers in the Summer. A pretty black tray with roses is timeless!

This vintage iron waitress sits on my kitchen counter and serves guests everything from chocolate, hearts, pumpkins, or a glittery silver star depending on the occasion.

A never used formal sitting room can be a fun, retro bar with the addition of a vintage silver wine bucket, girly pin-up pics, and an antique hotel bell to ring for service. A chalkboard on the wall announces birthdays and special sentiments. It currently reads, "Think sunshine and blue skies!"
This cute guy shakes up a perfect martini. His nose turns red and smoke comes out of his ears when he's had one too many.

An old 1950s "Cocktail and Wine Digest" add fun and instructions on how to make a proper screw driver!

Don't leave vintage garden decor outside. Bring it indoors for a charming look. I found this vintage sun dial at the Idaho Youth Ranch for only $5.00 and spray painted it black to match my decor. You can find all sorts of treasures at your local non-profit thrift stores where you'll be saving them from the landfill and donating to a good cause at the same time!

The silver roller skates with tattered red straps were mine when I was a girl in the 70s.

Thanks for stopping by Mamma B's Attic! Check back for more fun decorating ideas!


Anonymous said...

Adorable vintage finds!
Welcome to Blogland!
I'm so glad you are here!


Anonymous said...

I just love your blog. I can't wait to see more of your appealing ideals.

Much love to you from,
your aunt Shirley in Ky.