Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Memories of a Pink Portable Hair Dryer!


Every once in awhile in my treasure hunting, I come across an item that sparks a vivid memory.  The memory can be unpleasant-like a pack of multiplication flash cards that reminded me of hours in my basement being drilled by a tutor.  Math was never my strong suit!  Or the memory can be a pleasant one-like the comforting blankie you carried around with you until it was threadbare and falling apart.

I recently found the pink portable hair dryer above at a yard sale.  My Mother had one similar to this she would put us girls under after our bath.  I loved the soothing sound of the air coming through the hose as it filled-up on the top of your head like a big balloon.  When it was your turn, you grabbed your favorite book and snuggled down in your flannel pajamas as the warm air dried your hair.  It was a simple, happy pleasure during an innocent time.
I took it into the shop to sell, but I'm now debating bringing it back home to use after my next bubble bath.  One day soon, my hubby may come home to find me in flannel pjs reading a Nora Roberts novel with a goofy looking contraption on my head.

Leave me a comment if you remember any similar happy memories from a pink portable hair dryer. 

I love to spell out words with old scrabble or game letters.  Of course, this one spells out my fantasy city-Paris!

The witches have started to invade the antique mall!  I guess Halloween is definately on the way!

Take care,


1 comment:

Jeannies Bottle said...

I had that same hair dryer when I was a teen in the 60's. It wasn't easy getting that cap on a head full of brush rollers. Beauty was a painful process then!! Cute blog!!