Friday, December 28, 2012

Emma's Dilema


I've spent the last few months writing, editing, and finalizing a new children's book, Emma's Dilema. With a prayer and a wish, I sent the manuscript off to publishers in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, Vermont, and Pennsylvania.

If you're not familiar with the publishing process, you basically send out what's called an "unsolicited" manuscript that will be put in a "slush" pile with thousands of others-hopefully to be read at some point and not put through the shredder! It's a process not for the thin skinned as going to the mailbox and seeing the dreaded form rejection letter can be a discouraging moment. But every dream comes with the possibility of rejection, and success doesn't come from giving up when the going gets tough.

So, send poor little Emma's Dilema positive thoughts as she waits in the slush pile at the big bad publishers.

I wish you all luck in accomplishing your dreams!

Take care,


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