Friday, July 31, 2009

"Green" Decorating


Mother Nature is the ultimate green decorator. Who else can take a few stray seeds, scattered by the wind, mixed with a little water and sunshine, and create such beautiful decor? The huge Hollyhocks in my front garden, that tower almost to the top of the house in a riot of pink blooms, came from a few seeds my sister-in-law gave me many, many years ago. And the Trumpet Creeper that covers the iron trellis with orange flowers that feed the hummingbirds all summer, came from a small start my guys planted on my 40th b-day (a few years ago). The beauty of garden decor is it's so easy-and if you plant perennials-they come back effortlessly every year. Here's a few pics of my pretty front cottage garden. Hope you enjoy!

Ok, so not all of my garden decor is green. But every cottage garden needs one set of sparkly twinkle lights to welcome you home at night.

Sunflowers are a great cottage garden flower. When you clean the beds out in the fall, save a few flowers so the birds can munch on the tasty seeds during the barren winter months.

I try to plant only perennials in the beds now and save the pretty pink petunias, marigolds, and blue lobelia for the urns. It's cheaper and easier!

Have a great weekend!


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