Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Hollyhocks are finally blooming!

Another great flower for your vintage cottage garden is the Hollyhock. Hollyhocks are super easy to grow as they reseed themselves every year. The Hollyhocks in my garden came from one small start my sister-in-law gave me years ago that have exploded into the charming mass of pink and red blossoms you see in the following pictures. At the peak of blooming, they reach almost to the top of the house. If you don’t already have some in your cottage garden, beg, borrow or steal a start today!

I'm so glad you could stop by for a visit. Why don't you come in for a nice long chat while we enjoy some sun tea with fresh lemon and chocolate cupcakes?

Enjoy the flowers as you slowly stroll up the front walk.
The Hollyhocks have bloomed just in time for your arrival!

Pass under an aged iron trellis that guards the entryway to the cottage.
The lanterns will light your way. You're finally at the front door.
The Eiffel Tower is dwarfed by the blooming Hollyhocks.
A pumpkin plant stretches towards the tower. Pink Petunias hang in the front window in an old iron cone where not too long ago adorable baby Finches flew from the nest their Mother had built in the top. Thanks for visiting today! I hope you enjoyed it. Di

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