Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trumpet Creeper and Outdoor Vintage Displays


I hope you’re having a wonderful week.

The Trumpet Vine (also called a Trumpet Creeper) that climbs up my iron trellis in the front yard has bloomed. Trumpet Vines are fast growing and woody. They make a pretty addition to your cottage garden. Hummingbirds love to hover and sip from the orange trumpet shaped blooms and birds nest in the heavy foliage above the trellis. I’ve included a few pics of my Trumpet Creeper as well as some outdoor vintage decorating pics.

You can group similar items together for bigger display impact like this vintage iron Statue of Liberty that sits next to a tiny Statue of Liberty box.

A fallen Robin’s nest adds garden charm perched on a vintage Inarco column with life-like craft store eggs nestled inside.

Take care,

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