Friday, July 18, 2008

Trash to Treasure-Part 2

A few Show & Tell Sundays ago, we showcased our fav Trash-to-Treasure item. I shared the following children’s hutch I bought at a yard sale for $5.00. It was covered with stickers and painted hand prints. I repainted it black to use as a garden hutch to hold my pink garden clogs and tools on the back patio. Well, I decided it wasn’t shabby enough, and spent a few more hours sanding, stenciling, and painting. Here’s the final transformation. So cute!


AFTER: HAPPILY EVER AFTER:I stenciled the corners with a pretty design in creme and diluted brown paint for an aged look.
I swapped out the plain white knobs with charming iron leaf knobs to add character and continue the garden theme.
I uncovered additional layers of paint by lightly sanding the front and sides completing the shabby look.

I don't even mind gardening now!

Have a happy Friday! Don't forget to join us for Show & Tell on Sunday.


1 comment:

Roxie said...

What great ideas! LOVE the cabinet. Gives me inspiration for future projects.