Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weblog Award


Sometimes a collective gloomy mood can spread faster than the first cold the kids bring home from school in September. It can affect how we feel and suck away our energy and enthusiasm. I've been in such a funk for the last few weeks as news of impending layoffs and budget cuts at the high tech company I work for have run rampant. What's worse, when we're in this state of mind, we tend to ignore the things that make us happy and can counteract the doom.

When I finally did check my email this week, I found that Kathy at (Just Being Crafty) had passed the Brillante Weblog Award onto me. This award is given to blogs with fabulous pictures and text.

So the moral of this tale is when times get tough, do something you love. It will snap you out of a dark mood every time.

Thanks Kathy! Here's the seven fabulous webs I'm passing this award onto. If you haven't checked them out, please do.

1. French Garden House
2. Cherry Hill Cottage
3. The Cottage Gals
4. Eye Candy Creations
5. My Polka-Dotted World
6. Dining Room Studio
7. Rusty Cottage

And here are the rules for those of you that have won.....Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. Add links to those blogs on yours. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs. Take care and see you soon!



Anna Marie said...

Thanks Di! I am honored! There is no reason why I can't get it twice, right? Haha, thanks for choosing me. I LOVE your blog as well and have had you on my blog roll for quite some time now. Have a beautiful Monday!

Mya said...

Congrats I hope your spirits are lifted. These are tough times and sometimes it is hard to see the good. But it is still there. Your blogging friends are always here for support. Wouldn't it be fun if you lived in mid-michigan and could come to my girls night?
Have a great week!