Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dreaming of Feeling Good and Yard Sale Treasures!

Hello. I'm finally feeling better tonight after laying around for 4 days with the crud doing absolutely nothing! I've caught up on every HGTV and Food Network show I might have missed over the last 5 years. To make things worse, the weather in Boise has turned dismal again with wind, rain, and cold weather! Will summer ever come?

To cheer myself, I thought I'd share with you some recent yard sale treasures. I acquired these a few weekends ago when the weather was beautiful, and I was standing upright. How I long for those days.

Here's a few fun items:
A cool black and white Eiffel Tower pic for $5. I love to collect Eiffel Towers and dream of someday having enough in my mad money account to treasure hunt in the flea markets along the Seine River while sipping strong coffee and enjoying a chocolate croissant. It sits high above my kitchen by a black iron Eiffel Tower where the plastic people go about their business. A train whisks by occasionally on the way to romantic destinations.

Another cute shabby Eiffel Tower knick-knack holder for .25.

A shabby white birdhouse on a pole for $3.A pretty iron flower scroll plaque and rusted garden can. All for about $7. The super cute weathered birdhouse that looks like an old church for $5.

A trio of tin herb planters for $1 and a turquoise
pitcher with rattan handle for .25.

A huge box of vintage party treasures including pink and white wedding bells, rolls of crepe paper, plates and napkins. Here's a look:

Stork Bingo-so adorable!

Super cute pink bridal shower nut cups.

Garden "Blossom Time" nut cups with matching shower invitations.

And last, but not least, a tiny white wicker garden bench set.

I feel better already! Take care.


Jennspiration said...

Hello! I happened upon your blog while looking for blogs in Boise, I will definately stop by in the future, you have some neat posts!

Birds of a Feather said...

hello - glad you're joining in on the show & tell sunday ~ see you tomorrow! xo heidi

Andrea said...

Cute stuff! I love yard sales too and wish people would have them in the winter time too.

Jeanie said...

Unbelievable finds! Especilly that little wicker set! I need to find better garages to shop in!

blessings said...

I love that rusted watering can! Sorry about the yuck (weather and illness). I heard from another blog friend in Oregon that it snowed there last week! Yikes! I'm near Chicago and it's just been lots of rain, then steamy sun, then rain, then wind =) Blessings... Polly

Cami said...

When you go to Paris take me with!!! Great finds.